Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Released in 1993 and directed by Lasse Hallstrom, this film titled
What's Eating Gilbert Grape is a very deep and emotional film. For those of you into the emotional, drama romance genre, you'll take a liking to this film. The movie features a young Johnny Deep and an even younger Leonardo DiCaprio so the acting is flawless, specifically by DiCaprio as he plays a mentally disabled little boy. The story line typically follows the responsibility of the protagonist Gilbert, surrounding his very obese mother who cant even manage to the leave the house and his impaired younger brother who finds himself getting into all sorts of trouble. Along the way the audience also sees his romantic development with another character. The film has moments of intense emotion and I think that's what makes it an amazing movie and a film that lets just say, should have got DiCaprio an Oscar (haha). I would highly recommend that if you haven't seen the film you definitely go and watch it! If you have seen it before, comment below what you thought of it :)
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Here in Australia we are currently in the season of Spring, though at the moment it feels exactly like Summer. Its only a few more weeks until Summer officially rolls over so I thought I'd write a quick little post about how I like to get ready for this season.
The biggest change for me and most girls out there is that through winter we get to hide our legs underneath long pants, but as soon as the warmer weather kicks in, it's impossible to head outside in a pair of jeans without melting haha. So yes ladies, we have to shave our legs a lot more often. I like to use any razor really, I just pick up a packet of them at the shops. My biggest tip though is to make sure you moisturize every time after shaving! Something else I like to do before Summer arrives is to buy a new pair of swimmers. I decided this year to go with a floral one piece from Billabong. It was a little pricey but for the brand and the use I would get out of it, I didn't mind too much. Another thing That I like to do, though this might not be for everyone, is to cut my hair a little shorter. When I was around 12-15 years old I rarely cut my hair and it was super long! As I got a little older I built up the courage to cut my hair shorter and now I have it just below shoulder length. If you have long thick hair it really does help to cut it shorter through the warmer months. There's nothing worse then being hot and sweaty with your hair sticking to you haha.
Let me know what season you're in whenever you live, and if you're a fellow Aussie then let me know how you're copping with the heat right now!
Monday, November 09, 2015
A couple of months back I was asked by my friend who was studying makeup to model for her in a bridal shoot. It was a very exciting experience and weird for me as I'm usually the photographer, never the model. These are a few behind the scene shots from the day. Photos, makeup and styling courtesy of Kathleen Buttigieg. Follow her makeup account on Instagram! @kathleenmary_mua
Friday, November 06, 2015
The idea of a little black dress has become a very popular and well known term for an outfit choice. I cant speak for all of you but I don't often hear anyone talking about little white dresses. Personally, I would wear a cute lacy white dress over a black one any day, but that's my particular taste. Don't get me wrong though, my little black dresses come in super handy on nights out and have their own special place in my closet. What do you guys prefer?
Thursday, November 05, 2015
For those of you entering the photography world I can give you 2 tips. One for shooting in the rain and lower light conditions and another for shooting with things like smoke, baby powder and coloured dust. Just as a disclaimer, I am not a professional photographer and I am slowly learning news techniques myself. Along the way I have learnt these two things that I thought I'd share with you all. Enjoy and do go and try them out. The baby powder shoot was so much fun!
For shooting in the rain I found it best to lower my aperture setting to let in as much light as I could, as rainy weather doesn't provide as much light as it is. Play around with your settings and after trial and error you'll be able to figure out what aperture setting works best for your lens of choice in the rain. I was working with a 50mm lens and an aperture of 1.8. This gives even lighting to your image, without it being too high in contrast or too dull and dark. These images are edited with a darker filter so keep in mind the originals are much lighter.
For the baby powder shoot, regardless of the lens you are using, to effectively capture the powder before it falls to the ground, the shutter on your camera needs to be left open for longer. By lowing your shutter speed the camera can capture the powder floating in the air. If your shutter speed was higher this effect would not be achieved. As I said before with the shoot in the rain, it is best to play around with your cameras settings until you find what works best for you and your shooting circumstances. :)
Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Old denim, quirky tees, vintage objects and the most loveliest staff ever. If this is something you look for when going shopping then you will most certainly love Arkive Vintage. I was first introduced to this store by my boyfriend earlier this year and was amazed by the quality of the staff and products. I purchased a pair of high wasted shorts that were originally a pair of Levi jeans. Knowing that Levi's are of great quality I had no hesitation whatsoever in buying these shorts. At the price of $45 I was very impressed. If I were to look for a good pair of denim shorts that weren't vintage they would have been around a similar price anyway. They offer a great range in both men's and women's clothing and then an abundance of cool knickknacks, from key chains right through to original old school cameras. They do have an online store and you can find it at, however I would highly recommend personally going into the store yourself, it's amazing. I definitely love me some Arkive haha.
If you live in Australia, particularly within the Gold Coast area, they have a store in Surfers Paradise. It's just off Cavil Avenue along the nightclub strip. Look for the sign and head up the stairs!
Monday, November 02, 2015

October and the fun filled month of Halloween is officially over and Christmas is now just around the corner. I am so very excited! Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year, despite the weather where I live, that could probably calm down a bit. I, myself and looking forward to buying gifts, wrapping gifts and of course setting up the Christmas tree. I think I'm going to go for a white and different shades of gold theme this year. With all this on my mind, I'm finding it a little hard to comprehend just how quickly the past year has gone. It felt like last Christmas had only just happened! I have both started university for the first time and successfully completed my first year. I've already planned my timetable for next year, not sure if I'm ready for that commitment three months in advance haha. This also means more money having to be spent on textbooks (imagine very sad facials). All in all, this is a very exciting time of the year and I am extremely happy with everything that has happened so far this year. I am most definitely going to make the best of the last 2 months of 2015. I would love to hear what you are all looking forward to in this festive season. Also keep your eyes open for some Christmas inspired posts coming in the near future and good afternoon everyone. XO
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Now in these situations shops like Kmart become your best friend. Interior decorating on a budget is hard and I know all about it. If you take the time to look around and research online for the cheapest options for things, you are absolutely bound to find something you like. I am also a lover of the word 'reuse' if i can use something for something else then it'll happen haha, I little DIY to spruce things up or change their appearance is a tip I can give you all. I like to collect different types of posters from magazines and of late I have really been loving the posters that feature monthly in Frankie Magazine. I even went as far as buying the subscription. This way, every month I can change out the poster that I have placed in a super cheap gold frame I found at a market for something a little different. Another way that I used to keep decorating cheap was to find plants from outside and use them indoors. Firstly I found some twigs that I wiped down and placed in a cute little jar, along with some other plants that I received in a bouquet of flowers, I noticed that they had dried out without wilting so I also placed them in a jar next to the twigs to add an earthy vibe within the decor.

Poster - Typo: around $20
Jar 1 - Bottle from a cafe: $6
Jar 2 - From small decor shop: $3
Lamp - Kmart: $20
Candle - Outlet Homewares and Furniture: $11
Pot - Ikea: around $6
Fake plant - Ikea: around $6
Notebook - Typo: around $6 for 3
Magazine - Frankie Magazine: $10.50
Frame - Kmart: $3
Tall Jar - Small decor shop: $3
Fake Flowers - Carrara Markets: unknown price
Small Plant - Kmart: $15 for 3
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Very artsy and eerie, this album is definitely one of my favourites of late.
Honeymoon by Lana Del Ray, probably wouldn't be for everyone but it you're a lover of alternative music that is very emotional and passionate, you should definitely go and check out this set of songs.
Supported by very whimsical and moving sounds, Lana's voice is very beautiful and the lyrics are quite mature and interesting.
Each song is very different yet similar at the same time in terms of complexity. The song 'High By the Beach' is already making its way into popularity, with its clever lyrics and upbeat aspects. Other songs like 'Honeymoon' and 'Terrence Loves You' are simply stunning and very relaxing. Then with a major change there are songs like 'Music to Watch Boys To' that is a lot more dark and moody. Great range.
Monday, October 05, 2015
A September love of mine has to be this face mask from Lush. It's full of healthy ingredients that are purposely selected to do wonders on your skin. I went into the Lush store at Pacific Fair on the Gold Coast and was greeted by a lovely staff member. She took the time to ask me about my skin and point me towards a mask that would work best for my complexion. Now don't be scared about the word seaweed in the name of this product. It is filled with lots of other things that derail the classic seaweed sent and rather make it smell of soap, rosemary and relaxation. It you have dry skin but are slightly oily in your T section, this is the face mask for you!
It is recommended to be worn for around 5 to 10 minutes, I liked to put it on and then run a bath to get the fully enjoyment out of the mask. I really think you should give it a try if you are a Lush fan.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
For those of you living on the Gold Coast, you're going to love this little cafe I stumbled upon with my friend last week. Like its name suggests (Street Corner Espresso), it is tucked away in a little corner near Burliegh Beach, just off the main road. We were greeted by extremely lovely staff and offered a super cute menu. My friend and I were there at lunch time, though it seemed to be focused more on breakfast. I ordered a chicken wrap, which was actually the nicest wrap I've ever had, and a banana smoothie. The highlight of my lunch though was my friends nachos, absolutely delicious! It was topped with fresh avocado and heaps of yummy beef, they also offered a vegetarian option which I thought was a nice touch.
If you happen to be in the Burliegh area definitely go and stop by. I highly recommend the nachos!
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Shooting in the rain can most certainly be a struggle but taking these photographs was a lot of fun :) Please don't mind the quality of these images, they were uploaded off my phone as I don't have access to a computer at this time. Modelled my Kelty Conning and photographed by myself, Jennifer Rogers.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Yes I just spelled dear like deer in the title. I thought it kind of went with the post haha. You'll understand me once you read ahead. Okay so, I am a lover of anything that comes from Typo and when I spotted this little canvas sitting against the wall I just had to grab it. It's now made its way through my room, leaning against several walls and has finally made its place above my bed. I absolutely love it. With deer being one of my favourite animals I was drawn to it even more, I also love the simplicity of it with the pop of colour to the right making it eye catching. Well done Typo, and thank you to that kind person who picked it up, analysed it and put it back down giving me the opportunity to buy it, you're amazing haha.
J.R xo
Thursday, February 19, 2015
I love photography, so the ability to take a photo and instantly have it in your hands is an amazing concept for me. Unfortunately I'm not lucky enough to own an instant camera at this point in time, yet, by no means has that stopped me from loving polaroids. The three images shown below are polaroids of myself and friends/boyfriend from their polaroid cameras, the others are all home made in stencils that I bought at Kmart. I thought I would share them all with you :)
J.R xo
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Hello all. I recently went to my best friend's 18th birthday party which was themed. Just an overall dress up idea, everyone came as whatever they pleased. I decided to create a costume of my own from different items rather then to buy a full costume. My choice in outfit ended up being very 70's/disco inspired. My first buy was this straight cut dress from that was only $20. It was very vibrant, with a swirl/floral pattern that covered the entirety of the dress, excluding the collar which is white and if I do say, my favourite part.

I paired the dress with these white platform shoes from Windsor Smith. They were originally $159 but I managed to grab them for only $25! in an outlet store, YAY. I thought that the shoes were very disco like with the platform and chunky heel and the gold buckle added a little bit of class which I loved. It also matched the white collar of the dress. I didn't wear any other accessories as I like simplicity however I did wear a bold eyeliner look as that was very popular in this era.
It really is quite easy, if you look around, to find outfits for costume parties that you can get extra use out of and that are really worth the money :)
J.R xo